Sunday, January 18, 2009


Reality is finally setting in. There really is only one person who reads my blog. No matter I will trundle on for her sake (you know who you are) :)

I started school again and after a week of classes I remembered why I loathe it. endless class hours, sitting in the library for interminable periods of time, reading until my eyes hurt. All fabulous stuff. On top of all that I have gotten three grades back from last semester. the first 2, well they were awesome. I was on a high, the likes of which I have not experienced in years. And then it all came crashing down when grade three came in. Like a dart to the lung I was deflated so fast I shocked myself. It hurt and it hurt bad.

That's it, grieve for me.....and look for my recipes to start showing up on material maidel's recipe blog Kosher Cuisine


  1. Oh, come on. Your grade wasn't even that bad. I mean, when contrasted with the first two - yeah, okay, it kinda sucked. But you'll do better! (I'm using my cheerful voice - if you could hear it, you'd love it :) )

  2. I think you should rename your blog, Sarcastic, Cynic, Skeptic...Frum..And ANGRY!!

  3. Looks to me like at least 2 people read it and commented.

    Oh wait this would make me number 3
